Saturday, September 25, 2010

3D TVs... The Newest Fad

I just recently saw a commercial for the new 3D TVs that have just hit stores.

After having already heard several people talking about them I had some idea of what they entailed. However, I have ONLY seen the commercial for these TVs and have not yet been able to actually experience one in person. When first hearing the idea I was somewhat confused, I pictured people sitting around in their living rooms with paper or plastic glasses on watching television. The second thought that came to my mind was how uncomfortable it would be, having to constantly wear these "glasses" whenever you wanted to sit down and watch a movie or show. I don't know about anyone else but I personally love seeing 3D movies. However, I find the glasses to be very uncomfortable as well as annoying. They never seem to fit my face right and continuously fall off. I find myself having to hold them in place or keep adjusting them throughout the entire movie and, well, naturally I tend to get aggravated by this. So, for this reason, I couldn't help but picture myself doing the same thing if I were to purchase one of these 3D TVs. Aside from the annoyance, what if I wanted to turn on the weather or the news in the morning as I am getting ready for the day. Would I really be able to wear these "glasses" as I am getting dressed or continuously leaving the room? And to top it all off, I have also heard that these
3D glasses (which actually turn out to be a lot nicer than the ones we may be picturing from a movie theatre) cost somewhere between $100-$250 dollars per pair. Yes, I agree, they better be nicer than the movies for that price! After hearing this interesting fact it came to mind, what would happen if I wanted to have a few friends over to watch a new movie that just came out, would I have to go out and spend a thousand dollars just on glasses alone? At this point, it just seems like buying one of these 3D televisions would be nothing more than an inconvenience.

I also think that having this 3D feature on a television really takes away from the excitement of the 3D feature. I mean, isn't half the fun of going to the movies being able to see the latest 3D movie that just came out? If a feature like this is made readily available to us all in our own homes, then what purpose do any of us really have in going to the movies? Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be able to sit in the comfort of my own home and watch a 3D movie. But at the same time it kind of seems to take the fun out of it. The 3D feature seemed to be one of the only things left that we were only able to access in a movie theatre or with the purchase of the occasional 3D movie to come out in stores. But with these new TVs we wouldn't have to go to the movies or wait for the movie to come out in stores, we'd be able to access the same feature in our own homes.

There is clearly no doubt in my mind that these TVs will be successful with all of the tech-savvy people in the world today, I just don't know if it is something that I would be interested in purchasing. I'm sure they are already working on it or are in the process of coming out with it, but I think that a TV like this would be more successful and definitely more convenient if they made it possible to be watched without the 3D glasses. Personally, I know I may be more interested if this were the case, but for now I'll just stick to going to the movies for the 3D experience and save a couple thousand dollars!


  1. The glasses do seem a bit pricey, Steph. Do you think Sony has a immediate chance to sell 3D TVs like those mentioned above, or does something have to inspire people to go out and get them? If so... what do you think that "something" is?

  2. I completely agree, unless they find a different way for us to watch 3D in our own homes besides those glasses, I'll just stick with HD.

  3. i'm not going to lie, this 3D tv looks awesome, but realistically the people who watches movies and television at a more than regular basis should have this. people will buy this for more of the hype and popularity not for the value. I truly believe that this product will not make much of a significant difference only because it is very pricey and people wont value it enough. watch in a few weeks people will complain.

  4. Professor,
    I think that like all newly marketed techonolgy, there will be those people that buy it simply for the fact that it's new. People today want to have the hottest, newest items and be able to say that they have them. So, for this reason I think that they will sell regardless if there is an inspiring reason to make the purchase. However, if some kind of inspiring reason does surface, I think this will just increase sales.

    Same here!

    I agree, people will mostly buy this for the hype. When the price drops after a while it may become more popular.
