Sunday, September 26, 2010

Elmo Fans: A Little Red in the Face?

Katy Perry, everyone's favorite "California Girl," was the guest star on a Sesame Street episode, performing a parody of her song "Hot N Cold" with Elmo. The producers of the show recognized this as a great opportunity to rack in the ratings, thinking that the 25-year-old princess of pop's appearance would attract the younger parents to watch with their children. However, instead of praise, the producers received massive amounts of unceasingly negative backlash. Katy was shown wearing a dress that was a bit revealing due to the low cut neckline, and it left viewers chest deep in anger. The executive producer, Carol-Lynne Parente, was shocked at the negative feedback, all a result of Ms. Perry's ample bosom. Parente goes on to say that they would never have the intentions of producing something that was considered inappropriate, and they greatly value the opinions of parents, even if it differs from their viewpoints. Consequentially, Katy Perry's debut on Sesame Street was canceled faster than you can say "Snuffleupagus."

Personally, I think it's ridiculous that people had so many complaints about her appearance on the show, which was leaked on Youtube. Katy Perry is known for her revealing outfits and her own, unique fashion sense, which seems to mold seamlessly to her personality. I do not think she should have been penalized for what she was wearing. Granted, it would have been easier if producers had just given her a more conservative outfit or tried to cover up her double D's, but viewers would have then found something else to complain about. There was not all negative feedback, however. Some fans defended the beloved mistress of Russell Brand, saying that the clothes represent dress up clothes that any young girl would wear while playing as well. There were herds of people who spoke up in her defense, pointing out that Miss Piggy wore more revealing clothing than Katy's "controversial" outfit.

Do parents honestly believe that boys and girls from the ages of three to six that watch the show are really going to be focusing on her chest? Thinking back to when I was a child, I'm pretty sure I would be more interested in Elmo and the song that I could dance to rather than Katy Perry's chest area. If they bash this, then they should also be in an uproar about other children's shows that are obscene and advocate violence or unpleasant behavior. In addition, if any of these parents are Cablevision customers, their children most likely watch Noggin (channel 123), which airs children's shows chiefly in the morning/afternoon hours. Most of the commercials on that channel are for the television series Degrassi, which displays mature content. I think that the parents blew everything out of proportion and made it into an issue bigger than Katy's bra.

Of course, the producers of Sesame Street had to pull Katy off of the show because they needed to accomodate their fans, but at least they left the video on Youtube to be watched by people who don't get red in the face over something so miniscule. Elmo himself spoke up to say that he loved Miss Katy. As for Ms. Perry, she expressed her feelings on the whole situation with her comedic skit on Saturday Night Live.


  1. 1. Those CANNOT be D's. (I'm a guy, we just know these things.)
    2. Seriously though, in the parent's defense, that's just a LITTLE too raunchy. And something tells me that it wasn't just the neckline that bugged them, Ms. Perry's breasts seem to be enhanced in the nipple area. And 7am isn't exactly around the watershed.

  2. This honestly pisses me off. People take things way too far. It was all in good fun and for the sake of TV and some ultra protective parents totally blew it out of proportion!
