Thursday, December 16, 2010

The extinction of magazines?

With all of the new technologies invented in this generation people are finding less and less use for the old- fashioned printed magazines. Magazines have been in existence since the 1700s and they do not seem to be going anywhere.

Magazines have several new audiences every day. Magazines like "Seventeen" and "Teen Vogue" draw younger audiences as "W" and "The New Yorker" draw older audiences.

Magazine companies make more than ninety three million dollars each week on subscriptions alone and that does not include the occasional "pick-up" at the grocery store or pharmacy.

Magazines will remain because they know exactly how to evolve along with the rest of the world. They go from family magazines to romance and fashion magazines. It's not the excessive use of technology that's hurting magazines, it's the amount of sponsors and advertisers that are constantly declining.

The "Michael" controversy.

I can’t believe that it’s only been about a year in a half since Michael Jackson has pasted, time really flies by. Since his death people have made tons of money off of items with his name on it. From the movie This is it to the Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour show by Cirque du Soleil. And now Sony has released a posthumous album called Michael. When Sony released the first single off the new album called “Breaking News” back in November, some of Jackson’s fans, and family members questioned whether the vocals three on the tracks are really Jackson’s. Jackson’s estate released a statement about the tracks that are questioned claiming that they have “conduct an investigation regarding the authenticity of the lead vocals.” While the estate says the vocals are really Jackson’s, some family members haven’t changed their mind on the subject. Other artists have also questioned whether the Michael Jackson would have wanted this album to be released at all. Quincy Jones, who worked on Jackson’s biggest albums, said that Jackson was a perfectionist and wouldn’t have wanted it to be out without his final touches on it. In my option I love the album, even if it is unclear whether those three tracks are full Jackson vocals. So what do you guys think, are they real MJ vocals ?

Get Out of My Facebook!

It's amazing to me that the creator of the world's most popular and successful social network can be such a socially awkward imbecile. Of course, he's probably the most intellectual idiot in the history of America, so who am I to bash someone who's making more bank than the rapper Lloyd has in his last name? Well, he may be the one racking in the trillions of dollars, but I'll be dissing him anyway.

It was just recently brought to my attention that the man I am referring to, Mark Zuckerberg, father of Facebook, was deemed Time Magazine's 2010 Man of the, cricket. Is anyone else as speechless and mogadored by this as I am? What the fligga has he done in 2010 that was so incredible? Changed Facebook to the hideous layout that it currently is right now? My dog is more deserving of the title "Man of the Year," and my dog is a female.

I could maybe understand if this was awarded to him when Facebook was first introduced to the world, but why now? About three-quarters of my Facebook friends stalk people via computer all the time like he did, so if they created a social network for the sake of stalking, maybe they'd receive the title "Man/Woman of the Year." I never knew it was that simple to make it seem like you're a great person. If it was an award that required a speech after receiving it, then I guarantee it would be ripped out of Zuckerberg's hands because the dude just gives everyone the heebie-jeebies. He reminds me of Keanu Reeves-you don't really mind them until they open their mouths and start talking. By the way that Zuckerberg, or Suckerberg, converses, you would never guess that the kid is rolling in the dough like Pillsbury.

Maybe I'm being too biased because I'm not exactly on the best terms with Facebook right now. I mean they allow me to change my name to "CGal NotSeagull" and "Caroline Galeotachocolatemilk," yet my real name gets rejected by the automated approval system, and I'm told that it does not exist. Excuse me, but I think I know my own name, and I'm pretty sure I'm here, and I do exist, so listen up, Suckerberg, your website is seriously mistaken. Honestly speaking, though, I can think of an endless list of people who would be more worthy of "Man of the Year" than Mark Zuckerberg. I'd even put Kanye West above him, and I know Taylor Swift would undoubtedly agree with that one.

I just don't understand why Time Magazine would do such a thing. He is the youngest chosen Man of the Year since Charles Lindburgh in 1927, but back then, the guy actually deserved it. Zuckerberg, please do me a favor and get yourself out of Time Magazine, refuse to take the title of Man of the Year, and get your socially awkward self out of my Oh, and by the way, thanks for Frontierville. That's just about the only thing I appreciate from you.

They Don't Make 'em Like They Used to

Isn’t it a shame? They really don’t make movies like they used to, they being, the directors, editors, and actors of the world today. It is hard to argue that movies weren’t better 10, even 20, years ago. Hits like Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump, Goodfellas, Scarface, The Shining, Pulp Fiction, Silence of the Lambs, The departed, just to name a few. These movies are all hits, movies that wont just be something thrown by the way side and forgotten about. These movies people will always remember for Tom Hanks’ award winning performance, or Jack Nicholson’s break through performance as a good husband and father gone deranged due to a haunted hotel. These movies will live on through people, these movies will remain on people shelves. Movies today are just not the same as they used to be for so many reasons it would be near impossible to go down the whole list, but here are few to really think about.

1) Most adults over 40 don't seem to be able to understand or relate to a lot of movies that are coming out now. The humor in movies today is too much for them to handle, they are too dry, and too dirty. Also, special effects are out of control, they are very unrealistic, and to most adults it is ridiculous. 2) Less and less people are going to the movies. the economy is doing poorly which im sure has a lot to do with it but couldn't it also maybe have to do with the quality of movies today? Plus the convenience of watching them at home, people decide that the movie is not worth going to the theater for and thus never get around to even seeing it. 3) I see more and more people walking out of movie theaters. Coincidence? I think not. 4) More and more movies are coming out in 3D and IMAX. This is of course to try and draw in more people. IMAX has been around for a while but it has never had so much emphasis put on it until now. Why would the movie industry want people to see their movies clearer and larger these days i'm not quite sure. 5) Directors are becoming seemingly lazy and less creative. Movies that have recently come out such as Machete are terrible in every aspect of the word. The acting is terrible, the storyline is weak, need I go on? 6) Movies (like machete) are being cheapened by too much blood, guts, and sex. 7) Peoples expectations are higher then ever given all the technology we have today, we are literally spoiled. 8) With that, The world is changing and directors audience's are changing making it harder and harder to pin down what the people want. However, this is no excuse for the garbage that is being pumped out of Hollywood these days. I hope that this changes, but who really knows. I predict that they will keep making hits it will just be very few and far between.

The Phone Powered By Coke

Have you ever had your cell phone die during the middle of the day? It's a catastrophe not being able to text your favorite people, use the facebook application, or even browse the internet. Finding a way to charge your phone while your out and about is also a problem that cell phone users are faced with. Car chargers are effective, but not everyone spends their entire day in their car. Wall chargers are also effective, but not everyone carries their wall chargers around with them on a daily basis.
This problem that cell phone users are faced with is being taken into consideration by Chinese designer, Daizi Zheng, who is bringing new ideas to the table. Zheng proposes the use of a "Bio Battery" which will be powered by sugary drinks. The phone is said to run on a battery that uses enzymes to create electricity using carbohydrates.
This project is being overseen by Nokia, which has first dibs on releasing this new concept. Phone batteries these days are expensive to manufacture, and pose a problem for eco-friendly disposal. Theidea is to use a bio batter which will create a pollutant free environment. Simply unscrew the top of the phone, as shown, and power your phone as you drink your coke with lunch.

The Bio Battery has a potential to operate for 3 to 4 times longer on a single charge than most lithium batteries today. The battery also produces oxygen and water as a bi product, unlike regular batteries which just get thrown into land fills. This picture shows the phone with a full charge, just after being filled up. Will this new technology catch on in the US? It's doubtful, seeing as the phone doesn't have a touch screen, GPS, BBM, Internet Browser, Facebook, a camera, or many other features that people have grown accustomed to having on their phones.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Magic Talking Computer

With technology advancing, it can have its advantages and disadvantages. The magic talking computer is one of the newest inventions that although can be very helpful to those with special needs can also become a major negative. It is a multi purpose application that helps people to communicate with their software in ways that has not been done before. For example, it consists of voice commands, mouse movement and control, short cut key command control and automatic reading and text. Although this might sound like such a great invention and can really help those who aren't capable of working computers, it can also be a negative because those who do not have a disability can take major advantage of this. Advancements in technology have also greatly affected certain sectors of the industry and have even forced certain businesses to shut down for good because there is no more demand for that type of work.
As a result, people are becoming more lazy, and they don't feel the dire need to step outside of their home to find entertainment and fun in things that used to be.

Miley Cyrus...How far will she go for attention?

I'm sure everyone knows Disney Channel superstar, Miley Cyrus. She's been catching the attention of the media with every little thing she does that has an affect on the little kids that look up to her. In the begining, she seemed quite harmless...look at who she has become now. First it started with the green bra picture, then the cover of Vanity Fair, dating guys that are older than some point she seemed to stop having issues with the media..then her music video for "Can't be Tamed" caused quite the controversy...and now she was recently seen smoking Salvia out of a bong..on camera. Salvia is a natural herb that has an affect of hallucination. The "drug" is legal in a few states including the star's home state of California. A video was taken by a "friend" at a party during the week of the star's eighteenth birthday.

What will the media say about this? When will Miley ever learn that she is supposed to be a role model for young kids? This doesn't sound like a role model to me. I know that she is trying to break away from Disney, but honestly there are other ways out. Putting herself out there in the media only causes more attention. It's obvious that she likes attention and will do anything to get it.