Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is The Verizon iPhone Finally Here!?

     The rivarly between iPhone(AT&T) users and Android(Verizon) users seems to have been carrying on longer then the Isreali-Palestine rivarly in the middle east.  Only until recently has fustrated Verizon users seen the light, this is because several news sources have official proof that the long awaited Verizon iPhone 5 is coming soon and here to stay.  Fortune magazine has issued perhaps the strongest-worded statement to date on the Verizon iPhone, confirming that the device does exist, and that it will ship in early 2011. In a lengthy cover article published online on Oct. 29, Fortune contributor Sarah Ellison says that the Verizon iPhone is a "fait accompli," and notes that the device has been configured to work on Verizon's CDMA network.

     But what does this mean for AT&T?  According to several financial sources it won't put too much of a dent into AT&T's sales of the current iPhone 4, and they predict they won't loose many users to the new Verizon iPhone.  Primarly because current AT&T users don't won't to pay a termination fee if they choose to reactive their contract with Verizon Wireless.
     As a current iPhone user, what fustrates me is that the new Verizon iPhone 5 is rumored to have better performance upgrades, bug fixes, better network, and a slightly bigger screen.  While the current iPhone 4 will remain unchanged.  In my own personal opinion if AT&T doesn't want to loose valuable customers they should either come out with the same updated iPhone 5 as Verizon is getting at the same time.  Or if they don't get the updated phone they should offer current customers cheaper rate plans, because I would't want to pay extra money for a inferior service provider that has a reputation for dropped calls and high premiums.

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