Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ITunes Now Has The Beatles! FINALLY

We have all at some point asked ourselves where is the music? Though there are a ton of new artists emerging on iTunes every day there are a million songs they don’t have. I have never really understood why some artists don’t even show up on iTunes or even curtain songs like the song “Im a Bitch” by Alanis Morissette. This sucks cause when your “lame” like me and only download your music legally from iTunes not being able to find a song pretty much means you might have to turn to the dark side and go to LimeWire for the record (I have not). Some artists don’t want to have their music on the sight god knows why!? But there is the face that money is floating around. It brakes down to a good chunk of money having to go to iTunes and a smaller portion going to the actual artist. But that’s how the music business works! Unfortunately to make it you need to be represented by others and if you (the artist) are talented those “others” end up doing pretty well on the work and talent you put in. and what’s even worse is that your on a contract so your hands are pretty tied most of the time. That’s why people such as JZ and other BIG names have started their own label to cut out the middleman and keep the revenue for themselves. Legal wrangles at Apple prevented the official issue of previously unreleased Beatle material for over two decades (although much of it was frequently bootlegged). In an article is read “Beatles label EMI and Apple Corps Ltd., which manages the affairs of the legendary group, announced the change Tuesday in a joint news release with Apple Inc” Read more: But now after much waited time the legacy and apple have joined together and this can only bring good things. Once you crack the Beatles your pretty much in…so I will be here iTunes…waiting for my Alanis Morissette song…patiently I might add.

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