Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lake shore VS Jersey Shore

To sum it up, Jersey Shore is a show where a group of Italian Americans all get paid to be on Televsion to make complete idiots out of themselves. I personally do not like the show, being an Italian American, I find it offensive. They portray Italians in this negative light, when we really don't act like that what so ever.
Lake shore however is a spin off of Jersey Shore, Canadian Style. This show is exactly like Jersey Shore but instead of Italian Americans, they are more diverse and have different cast members of different cultures. After viewing random clips of the show, I found my self in totally loss of words. My jaw dropped after watching the trailer because I honestly didn't know that there are other people in the world that can be EVEN MORE stupid than the cast members of Jersey Shore. What makes them more dumb? Heres a quote form one of the girls on the show : "I'm not rascist, because you know why? I hate everybody equally. Especially Jewish people." Anti Semitism, Ignorant, and down right obnoxious. It takes censorship to the extent level. It boggles my mind that these people are getting paid to act like complete jackasses.


  1. haha this is ridiculous...who knew??

  2. lmao, its so stupid, like really. I just don't get the world..
