Saturday, November 6, 2010

Why Are Wii So Fat??

I think it is safe to say that everyone knows that Americans are fat. Even Americans, themselves, know that they’re fat. The questions as to why have pretty much been answered, and now we just have to figure out how to correct this awful epidemic. However, the most affected by this are children.
            Of course, the disgusting food that is out there, like MacDonald’s, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, the lists goes on for miles, is the main problem; but it is also the lack of activity. One of the main contributors to that is today’s growing technology.
            When we were all younger, our parents would always throw us outside, dragging us away from the TV, telling us to get some fresh air, and we obeyed. Now, I’m glad I obeyed because I had so much fun running around and creating mischief with my imagination. I used to go bike riding, hiking, played with sticks, built forts, now all kids want to do is to be glued to some inanimate object. And I have to admit, I was a chubby child, who loved her TV and Oreos, but at some point I turned over and new leaf and most people find it hard to believe that I had even an ounce of fat on my body. Thank you Pilates and Mr. Treadmill! Anyway…  
                “Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years. The prevalence of obesity among children aged 6 to 11 years increased from 6.5% in 1980 to 19.6% in 2008. The prevalence of obesity among adolescents aged 12 to 19 years increased from 5.0% to 18.1%.” This statistic is sad, but true.
            Like I said, it’s not just the unhealthy food these kids are consuming; it’s the fact that they’re not moving. They sit on their butts all day in front of a computer or TV, either watching or playing video games; and they have no interest in doing anything else. The combination of these high caloric foods and the lack of movement all adds up to overweight children.
            But now it seems like since this became such a huge problem, video games companies have come out with more physically challenging games, like Wii Fit and Guitar Hero. This enables kids, and adults, to still do what they like, while doing something that benefits their health at the same time.
            This appears to be moving all in the right direction but, I say that parents should skip the drive-thru, pick up some veggies, put them in a pan, and then throw their kids outside and tell them to get some freaking exercise!  
Technology and Childhood Obesity


  1. I agree completely, I think that many kids today are just plain lazy! Video games seem to have steered away from a fun once in a while activity and have slowly turned into an addiction. My brother is 16 and stays glued to his Xbox during most of his free time. He is into sports though so once in a while he'll take a break and switch it up. But, I just think that the amount that these video games are being played lately is unhealthy and same goes for watching TV. Althoug they have brought things like Wii Fit to the market I still question its value as of right now. Are people who would normally grab a bag of chips and watch TV or play video games really playing these active games?

  2. Whenever someone opens with a line that says, "I think it is safe to say that everyone knows that Americans are fat", I am sold immediately. haha.

  3. That is a good point, steph. Because for someone like me, I would totally buy, and use, the Wii Fit because I love to work out. But i also think that it would be a good way for parents to tell there kids, "look, you canplay video games, but some of the time it has to benefit you." you know?

    and haha thanks ryan!
