Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Why, oh why is the movie industry obsessed with remaking things? Do we honestly need another Wizard of Oz? Really? Is the first one not creepy enough?

I don’t understand how any classic, such as The Wizard of Oz, can be remade…it’s called a classic for a reason! There is no more Judy Garland and honestly there is no actress that could ever replace her, but I am curious to see who they cast as Dorothy. And what are they going to do for the Munchkins? Animation, maybe? I’m thinking Tim Burton’s Oompa Loompas' in Charlie and the Chocloate Factory. Imagine: Tim Burton directing the new Wizard of Oz, wouldn’t that be a sight to see! And it is rumored that the remake of the The Wizard of Oz is going to be using the same exact original script! Now that’s just asking for trouble. Are they just going to change the clothes or something? What exactly are they going to “remake?”

And this just in: The Great Gatsby is also being redone! Surprise, surprise. Let’s take a classic book and completely ruin it on screen (all of the movie attempts have failed miserably). The book is fabulous, the movie not so much…but a new rendition staring Leonardo Dicaprio as Jay Gatsby, Toby Maguire as Nick Carraway, and Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan? That’s kind of scary.

I don’t know why but something about this whole “remake” business bothers me. Once I see a movie, I’m good. I don’t need to see a sequel, or a new version, or a remake. Just leave it alone, I say. And I’d like to know why there are less and less original and new ideas coming to screen. There is a slew of comic books coming to screen and book adaptations, but where are all the completely made from scratch movies? Is originality that scarce in Hollywood? As a lover of movies, I’d much rather go see an independent film shown only in select theatres than a huge blockbuster hit that is most likely derived from some type of already published media.

So Hollywood, please, please, please start adopting creativity and originality into your future movies!


  1. really? they're remaking the wizard of oz? what the hell?!? and yeah, its going to be interesting to see how badly they ruin Gatsby...again.

  2. Yes! Can you believe it? And they said they're using the ORIGINAL script! How sick is that?..

  3. that is pretty ridiculous...seriously, there is no imagination out there at all. our play writing class has better ideas hahaha.
