Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Internet: The New Place for Drug Deals
Yea, that's right. Marijuana. One of the hot topics in politics right now. Particularly in California, where in the next week or so, citizens will vote one way or the other on Prop 19. Ooo my bad, did I accidentally place my opinion on the table. Whoops! Anyways, if Prop 19 were to pass, domain names will be need to sell the product online. Afterall, in this day and age, who actually goes to the store anymore if you can buy something online and have it by tomorrow. We're lazy. Plus gas is too high to be wasting it. We can put that money elsewhere... like buying pot. And that's the point. People will be able to buy weed, bongs, treats, and etc. online if Prop 19 passes. Which in turn means people like Kevin Faler will cash in on something he made many people cash out on.
Faler is a former narcotics officer. Long story short, he has over 1,000 registered domain names all dealing with marijuana. He's not the only one either. There are plenty of people trying to make a quick buck by purchasing domain names with the intent to resell them for a far greater amount of money. Some of the domain names include, "", ", and a whole list of funny and ridiculous names.
In the end, Faler and others believe that selling internet real estate will offer enough money for them to retire, pass money down to their kids, and even buy condos.
Even cops are accepting of Prop 19. No shock since one of them could make a killing, the legal kind, off of its success. Tweet
Can You Hear Me Now?
Second Life: A Substitute For Reality?
First of all, I think that having something like this enables people with socialization problems to avoid fixing them. If a person has anxiety of socializing with other people they may use this second life as a way to escape facing their problems/ fears. They would obviously rather stay inside their house and pretend to socialize with people rather than actually having to do so. Is it really healthy to hide behind a computer screen or to develop relationships with a virtual character instead of another human being?
Second, I think that it becomes very easy for people to lose themselves in this virtual world. For many people who are constantly using this, it seems that it would be possible to lose a sense of reality in all of the pretending. Avatars are given the ability to spend actual money in this second life. It has its own currency, but if you wanted to buy something your U.S. dollars would be converted. What kind of a toll is this taking on the economy? With all the problems that we have with the economy at the moment, I'm sure this is not helping at all. I also have a hard time understanding why anyone would actually want to buy something on here. I personally would have a hard time spending money that I worked for on something that is stuck inside the computer. What good does clothing, a cell phone or other electronics, accessories, etc. do for me if I can not actually use them? It just seems like a waste of money to me, I guess everyone's values are different though.
Third, I also feel that safety may be a concern. If people began to make friends though this world and at some point decide they'd like to actually meet in reality, they could be meeting someone dangerous. Just because they portray themselves as a certain person in second life does not mean that this is realistic to the person that they actually are. This could be especially dangerous for young women and children. A harmless meeting could end horribly because unfortunately you can not see who is actually on the other end of the computer.
A fourth problem I found with this was in the business world. It appeared very strange to me that corporations and companies were using this second life for meetings with employees, some of whom they had never actually met. In the business world I think the social aspect of meetings and business deals is essential. How can companies have CEOs communicating with their employees through this world, when they have never actually met or are living in another country on the other side of the world. Is there a safety issue in this too? How can you be certain who you are speaking about these important issues with?
I'm not saying that this second life technology is a bad idea, but where does it stop? How far does it go before it crosses a moral or an ethical line? Socialization is an important aspect of human life and is essential to developing as a person. If second life is eliminating this aspect of life for some people what effect will it have on them in the future?
Limewire Shut down!
After a four year legal battle the Federal Court in New York issues a "permanent injunction” on LimeWire. LimeWire is now being held legally responsible of copyright infringement committed over the last decade. A trial will be held in January to determine the amount of compensate the record companies will get for the billions of dollars worth of damages caused by the filesharing company.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
More Students, More Textbooks
Will there be an end towards books?
Students rather have textbooks over digital books, blogs, and websites. Students will be the man leading group where books are used most. Though websites and digital books are cheaper than the traditional textbook, but because there is, books are cheaper and more accesible.
Now, where can this lead?
Books will be very hard to get rid of. As time goes by, technology will advance itself . Newspapers will be gone and probably magazines will be gone.
I believe books are here to stay. Tweet
As I was flipping through the channels earlier, I passed show after show that all consisted of the same clichéd topics: sex, violence, and plain stupidity. BORING, I thought to myself. The sitcoms are basically the same story every week just taking place in different situations, and the “reality shows,” which aren’t even real, accomplish nothing but a showcase of irrational behavior.
Where are all the thought-provoking shows? Why is everything so mindless and unoriginal? I’ve actually asked a few people these questions and I always get, “It’s what people want to see…it’s what sells.” But why? Why do people care about who hooked up with who, or who lost the most weight this week? It’s all so irrelevant to real life.
The only things that remotely interested me were the movie channels, such as HBO and Starz. But if I wanted to watch a movie, I could just go down to the local movie store (of course not Blockbuster since it closed down a few weeks ago), or download one on Netflix (if I actually had that), and not have to pay a bill once a month. Which then makes me think: Why am I even paying a monthly bill for dozens of TV channels I don’t even watch? I don’t even like TV, except for Prison Break which ended last year. I’d probably be just as happy with an antenna on the roof and channeling free TV like they did in the old days. (There’s even a website that locates the best broadcaster in the area: antennaweb!)
But the bottom line is that TV has gotten way out of hand. How many CSI’s do we need? or Real Housewives or Law & Order? It’s getting a bit redundant. I feel like the media is shoving these shows down our throats because they’re always on! Season after season; repeat after repeat. When is enough, enough?
Maybe I stand alone on this, but out of all the hundreds of channels I pay for, I’d like for there to be one, maybe two, shows that are completely original and (gasp) artistic! But until that awakening happens, I’ll just focus on attaching an antenna to the roof. Tweet
Politics in the Media
Except this time, it will more specifically address politics and the media's constant outrage at the "fake sport" I love. For those of you who don't know Linda McMahon is running for Senate in Connecticut this year. She has pumped out a whopping $50 million dollars in campaign spending. Her critics and the people she is running against have constantly used her pro wrestling background against her. Keep in mind, Jesse Ventura, a former pro wrestler was in office not to long ago in Minnesota. So does one's past life reflect what they will do in the future?
When she first announced her decision to run, most in the political-media world laughed it off. Until they found out how much of HER OWN money she was willing to spend. She is still way behind in the polls but she is starting to catch up and now she will have to wrestle away from more than one attacker. In a clear sign of desperation, possibly even jealousy, Nancy DiNardo filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission. Nancy DiNardo is the chairwoman of the Connecticut Democrats.
Everything keeps circling around her WWE past. It is as if the Democrats she is running against want her to divorce her husband. Just because she is running for office, does not mean she must be responsible for what her husband does with his company. Even more so, after settling out of court over 10 years ago, Martha Hart, widow of Owen Hart, is now suing the WWE and many claim it is to hurt Linda's campaign.
So the question remains, should politicians focus on the media gaga or should they focus on the issues at hand? It seems as if politicians are more concerned with saving face than they are with doing their job which is serving the people. Besides, after all these attacks, does this lady seem shaken?
Besides, you gotta love a woman who has enough wit and humor to once have one of the wrestlers employed by her to do a gimmick like this.
Friends on Facebook does not equal friends in real life.
But, how did Facebook's mission statement end up this way? Simple. We are a generation of impersonality. There is little to no interaction between anybody anymore. In fact, I bet you that if I walked into average high school classroom today, I could find 10-12 people texting or IM-ing instead of actually TALKING to a person next to them. It's disheartening really. Tweet
Nothing's Killing Radio
I've often thought about how long radio has been a part of society, and I could never picture my life without it because, well, I've never had to. It makes me contemplate exactly how such a technology can sustain all of the changing times so much that it's been around even before my parents. (oh! low blow! hahaha) The obvious answer is because it is wisely used for music, which is constantly changing as time changes. In our society, especially my generation, we have attention spans that barely measure up to that of a goldfish; that is why change is key because we've become such masters at it.
The other day, I was watching Eyewitness News on channel 7 to try to catch up on what's going on in the world around me, even though it's so darn depressing. During a commercial break, I saw an advertisement for a new car, but I didn't remember anything about it-not the name of the car, not the make, not the slogan, or anything that would be essential in a car commercial. That doesn't say much because I don't really pay attention to commercials anyway, but I am usually able to catch the basic details. The only thing that I actually did remember was a fact about the radio in the car: it was able to pause, rewind, or fast forward, just as a DVR does for a television. I went to my computer and googled what car had been showcased on that advertisement, while also checking if I heard correctly. The automobile turned out to be the 2010 Buick Lacrosse, and no, my ears have not failed me yet, for the information I absorbed about the radio was in fact true.
To me, this feels like we've just hopped right over a ginormous boulder that was obstructing our path to even more advanced technology. Some may argue that it isn't that great of a deal because they only took what they already do to television and applied it to radio...But personally, I think it's a tremendous move that was made. I started pondering about the ways that this is going to affect radio. I'm not quite sure if it will have that much of an impact on the number of people who listen to music on the radio, but what it will severely influence is advertising companies.
Radio is predominantly about the music, but it is also heavily situated on advertising. Companies rely on the commercials between songs to reach listeners, but now, they're going to be replaced by the sound of fast-forwarding. Granted, most people change the station they are listening to as soon as they hear a commercial, or at least I know that's what I do. However, when I'm driving and don't want to hit ten different buttons to find some music, I'll leave the station on and let the advertisement play. Sometimes, I actually find myself interested, but if all it takes is one button to skip over the commercial, that's obviously what I'm going to do.
On the other hand though, I honestly think this is so cool. It almost turns live radio into an iPod, just with songs that they pick for you. Radio hasn't drastically changed for a long time because the music does that itself, but this is a much different element of radio that even furthermore secures its place in our lives. The Buggles may have sang that "Video Killed the Radio Star," but I can assure you that radio is not going anywhere anytime soon.
Working from home, good or bad?
Fox Vs. Cablevision
Picture Perfect
But then ironically the same device used to store memories quickly became one. They were replaced by Kodak cameras, which soon became replaced by digital cameras. as time evolves so does technology. Now most people don't even need cameras, because all phone nowadays come equipped with one, some even high definition.
This raises major concern to camera companies. how do they compete with the cell phone which is the most important thing in a humans everyday life. with a person being able to snap a picture with their mobile device the need to have another gadget is at a low. With the death of standard point and shoot cameras brings life of a new age of smart phones with decent cameras. Tweet
An Apple a Day
Having a laptop quickly went from a luxury to a must have, and a must have to a have not. People are starting to second guess the choice of a laptop, and getting tablets instead. Products like the apple Ipad and the hp tablet are quickly becoming fan favorites. Laptops are being push to the side and are becoming less popular with every passing year.
It’s no surprise that apple laptops are still in the hunt though. Apple makes sure that all of their products are safe when it comes to being obsolete. They do a really good job of making sure their products stay fresh.
With the apple Ipad being out for only a couple of month’s version 2.0 is surely on its way. Leaving something out of their first product only leaves room for improvement in their second one. By leaving out a camera version 2.0 of the Ipad might have a camera in the picture, along with a voice caller. Apple seems to be monopolizing when it comes to gizmo's and gadgets, but how long is it before someone takes a bite out of apple and throws them away??????????
A long time ago, I realized that people stopped listening to the music, and eventually started looking at it.
So what does MTV stand for now? Because it damn sure ain't "Music Television." You know, I did a little research and found out that MTV's very first music video was "Video Killed the Radio Star," almost 30 years later that statement can't be more than true.As I alluded to in my previous post, (here) pop music has been in a steady decline, due to unoriginality. However, sadly, what was once heralded as original at it's peak is what inspires unoriginality.
Thanks to 30 years of this, music has stopped being about whoever has the best musical innovation, and more about the look. Who has the best video, appearance and the resulting "name factor" after all is said and done. Thus we wind up with music that has little to no detail, and overuse of the same topics, making what was once exciting bland and cookie cutter.
And MTV realized this. So they began to faze out the music with catchy teen game shows and and reality TV (which is another topic of mine altogether, just you wait and see.) But with that, music was all but eternally filed away, used as a prop to sell other things in the MTV backdrop. In fact, what proves this the most is the fact that MTV has 1 music video block, and that alone is on at 6am to 8am. A timeslot which arguably, most of viewership does not care for. Tweet
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Hmmm, Statistics show...
Here is a graph from the NYtimes. It explains the percentage of 3,001 adults and what device or system they own. This shows that when it comes down to staying connected, people have that ability more on there phones since it has become "Man's bestfriend." Why does the e-Book and Tablet computer have the lowest percent in this graph? Because those devices just came out! Those devices are technically cheaper and more portable compared to Laptops and Desktops which means, these devices will come to a rise!
As for understanding the preferable Medium here, the People, which are the Cell phone, Desktop, Laptop, Console, e-Reader, and Tablet users prefer using the internet for mostly everything.
"What about other kinds of Mediums?"
Television and Radio will soon collaborate with these portable devices. It is only a matter of time where one thing will have everything. Tweet
America's Addiction to Video Games
As technology becomes more advance so do video game graphics and connectivity. Because of this Video games are becoming increasingly complex, detailed, and compelling to a growing international audience of players. With better graphics, more realistic characters, and greater strategic challenges, it’s not surprising that some teens would rather play the latest video game than hang out with friends, play sports, or even watch television. For example the game "Call of Duty Modern Warfare" is probably one of the most addictive games on the current market. Not only can players network, talk, and play with each other all over the world. But they do so in a very complex sensory way.
Now not only are players watching and listening to what they have to do to win the game, they are now subject to internet game bulling via microphone. This is more aggressive then Facebook messaging bulling, because now tone and vulgar language is involved. So not only players becoming addicted to these games because of their sensory involvement, but now they are getting bullied and learning vulgar language at the same time.
Of course, all gamers are not addicts – many teens can play video games a few hours a week, successfully balancing school activities, grades, friends, and family obligations. But for some, gaming has become an uncontrollable compulsion. Studies estimate that 10 percent to 15 percent of gamers exhibit signs that meet the World Health Organization’s criteria for addiction. Just like gambling and other compulsive behaviors, teens can become so enthralled in the fantasy world of gaming that they neglect their family, friends, work, and school.
<object width="960" height="745"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="960" height="745"></embed></object>
All in all I believe video game addiction as well as video game internet bullying is a very dangerous combination because not only are teenagers being less productive spending more of their time playing video games instead of going out and hanging out with friends, but now you throw that internet bulling concept in the mix and it becomes a concern. What's worse is that parents can't censor what other players online want to say, whatever players what to say in a room they can without any consequences. The only counter attack other players have is to mute that one particular player, even then he or she can still harass you via text message, and picture messages. The best way to combat this form of internet bulling is to make parents and students more aware of the dangers of online gaming, and to institute a more strict internet gaming police to monitor and ban any players that violate the rules. Tweet
Is Reality T.V. Actually Reality?
Reality TV is basically people being filmed while living their everyday lives. Though, some parts may be scripted. So, the answer is…reality television is partially scripted. Ever wonder why there is so much drama in reality television? Well, sometimes the producers like to get involved and cause conflict. Why? It gives everything a change of pace. It becomes interesting and the viewers find it entertaining.
This makes me think back to all of the reality shows I’ve ever watched. On” The Real World: New Orleans”, was the feud between Ryan and Preston real? Do they seriously hate each other?
On “Laguna Beach”, did Lauren and Kristin really not get along?
And On “The Hills”, Is Lauren and Heidi’s friendship really over?
I wonder… Tweet
The Media may not like Pro athletes, but people do
Women in the Media
Women have always had their insecurities, there’s no doubt about that, but I don’t think it has ever been made so clear until now, just what they had to be insecure about. Granted, the media has been instructing women what to do and what not to do since there was such a thing as the typewriter, but it has never been this in your face before. Media is everywhere, on your computers, in your books and magazines, in your phones, on the streets, and even in your homes, there is no escaping it. But why would you want to? Media and technology are such wonderful things that will only keep evolving as time goes on… Right? Well to some that is debatable, and when it comes to women although we are glad to get the newest looks and styles just a click away, we are almost reluctant to look. Hot media shows like TMZ, VH1, access Hollywood, and many more update their material every day, as they do their sites. Popular websites that women generally view consist of anything between high fashion mags and Hollywood sleez (is there really a difference these days?). It has been made very apparent what society views as attractive and not attractive, where i feel that more was left to mystery before all of this mass media b.s. It’s like we are all supposed to look like Kim Kardashian or something. “Keeping up with the the Kardashians”, has got to be one of the worst shows on television right now, right up there with Klhoe and Courtney take Miami, and Jersey Shore, and I say that because there are some people who can watch it and laugh and there are people that take these shows seriously and look to it as an example. I think that it’s time that people realize that half of the things that they see on T.V. and magazines are not real! Including people. Everything these days is airbrushed and diddied up to look perfect when in reality there is no such thing. Now, there are beautiful almost flawless human beings, they consist of about 1 % of the population. If you are not in that 1 % it’s okay because I’ve got news for you, the other 99% is in the same boat as you are. Although I disagree with most of the messages that are being sent to women, especially young women, I also feel that it is bad to shield yourself and your kids from this mass media society that we have become. I think that it is good for young women to see society for what it really is, not perfect. Because I think it will be then, and only then, that women can except and truly appreciate themselves for the lovely, unique human beings they are.
TweetSecond Generations Apple TV...Is It Better Then Just Having Netflix??
The sleek new apple TV has been redesigned from the ground up to optimize entertainment. It's 80 percent smaller then the previous model, even with a internal power supply built in. Therefore you can put it anywhere and still save space. Furthermore the new Apple TV is more energy efficient(it uses less power then a night light), and it stays very quiet during operation because there is no internal fan.
It works very similar to iTunes, in the sense that you can rent and stream TV shows and movie rentals directly to your apple TV and other apple devices. But it's better then Netflix because, Netflix only offers a limited amount of HD movie rentals over, and most of the time when a new release comes out that title is only offered in DVD format. You can also rent your favorite TV shows in HD, and keep them saved for one month until you start watching them, then you have 24 hours to watch the show.
<object width="1280" height="745"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="1280" height="745"></embed></object>
Another cool feature of the Apple TV is that it has Netflix, YouTube, MobieMe, and Flickr built in. You can also upload Pics, Videos, and music from your other internet devices via Airtime sharing. Furthermore you can stream whatever your watching on your Apple TV to your iPad, iPod Touch, and iPhone with a click of a button while on WiFi. So if you want to watch the movie while you chance rooms inside your house you don't have to miss a beat!
Personally I think the Apple TV is the best video and TV rental system available because its compact, fast, stylish, gives you options by letting you select where you want to purchase your movies from, its energy efficient, and environmental safe. So why just get Netflix when you have have more new releases in HD, and TV shows from iTunes as well as it being compatible with all your other apple devices?
Second Generation Apple TV Tweet
Why is Social Networking So Addicting?
The Jersey Trend
I would assume it's safe to say that every person who has a television, or has a set of ears, has heard of the show Jersey Shore. The only reason I've come to know the names of everyone on Jersey Shore is because when the show starts, I lose all "remote privileges" because my girlfriend can't get enough of it.
Video Games? Or an Alternate Reality?
Is Learning About the History of Our World More Important Than Focusing on its Future?
I am currently on my third year of college and am a business major, yet I am only taking two business classes this semester. I can't help but ask myself; when will I need to know about modern political thought, drama history or natural science when entering the business world? Maybe it's just me but at this point in my education, it just seems like it is a waste of my time as well as money. Both our world and society today clearly have a technological focus that is continuously developing and at a fairly rapid pace. It seems that it may make more sense for our education to be including ways to continue developing our already advanced society rather than looking down upon it. Our generation today is perceived to be self indulged and maybe too technological for our own good. But, when growing up with cell phones, computers and other commonly used technological devices from such a young age how can we not be somewhat dependent on these items? The fact is that times have changed over the years and the focus has shifted.
Instead of focusing on the past and what has been, maybe we should be focusing more on our future and the possible developments that we could be making. Some schools have already taken the step in including laptops in their learning environment and I think that this is a step in the right direction. Laptops as well as cell phones have now become part of our daily lives. By including these in our education it may make the development of different things easier and probably somewhat faster as well. Overall, it doesn't seem like a bad idea for our education system to begin to somewhat change with our society. Computers, cell phones, etc. are not all bad as some older generations may think. They have lead us to many important discoveries and advancements. By including these in the education system we are allowing children to explore different aspects of them which ultimately could lead us to new discoveries. Technology whether we like it or not will continue to hold importance in our futures and it should be something that we embrace.
NFL: A Different Game
The reason I bring this up is because anyone that has been watching football this season has seen the many injuries that have been occurring and specify the amount of concussions. Just this weekend alone 5 players got concussions and 1 even broke his neck and was pronounced paralyzed from his neck down. I will post a video at the bottom of the page of a game I was watching this weekend in which WR from the Eagles Desean Jackson was hit with a helmet to helmet hit which knocked him out and even gave him memory loss. Though the hit was not that dirty and there didn’t seem like there was any intent to cause harm, the helmet to helmet contact is because a major issue in football one which was never even considered in old school football.
The summary of these big hits specifically helmet to helmet hits are being cracked down on and after this weekend the NFL has decided to start suspending players that so called “lay a big hit” or use their helmet to tackle another player. This has started a real buzz around the league because the NFL is changing the whole product of the NFL is a hard nose, dangerous game to it more now being about strategy and just speed.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
iPhone Goes To Space
My point? Im not debating anything, I'm not speaking about anything controversial. I'm simply giving my opinion on how I was astonished about this article I read. It made me happy to see that for once, The government didn't get involved and that the most simple, ordinary people can make huge dreams come true. If the Government was involved they probably would have "hid the footage" from us just like they hide a lot of other stuff from us and on top of that they would have spent millions of dollars on this take off. This father is an inspiration to his son and others around him and I admire ordinary people like him to make such amazing discoveries. Bravo!
Homemade Spacecraft from Luke Geissbuhler on Vimeo.
TweetVampires and TV
Some of the most talked about and highest rated movies and TV shows are based on vampires. Vampires seem to be the big thing at the moment and people can't get enough of it. Take for example the two biggest vampire fixtures in the media today, True Blood and Twilight.
Twilight divided America into Team Jacob or Team Edward. Stephanie Meyer, the author of the books, knew what she was doing when she wrote about a "plain Jane" girl named Bella that is easy to relate to. The story of a love triangle between Bella, her werewolf best friend and her vampire boyfriend led to four bestselling books and three movies with two more still on the way. Overnight stars were made just by being cast into roles for the movie.
True Blood, on the other hand, is a more adult oriented show based on books and airs on HBO. The show centers around Sookie Stackhouse and her lover Bill Compton, a two hundred year old vampire. The show is filled with swearing, violence, drugs, and sex. It clearly aims for the older demographic, unlike Twilight, and it still comes out on top of cable ratings. Once again, the show has created new stars just by being cast in roles.
These two shows aren't the only two vampire based productions in the past decade. Wesley Snipes starred in three rated-R movies as “Blade”, the only vampire who could walk in sunlight because he was half human. The “Underworld” movies revealed the ancient feud between vampires and werewolves. Not to mention other movies like "30 Days of Night", "Vampires Suck", and "Day Breakers" have all raked in money over the past couple of years due to our obsession with the vampires.
Zombies are making a comeback thanks in part to the huge success of "Zombieland". AMC is making a TV show base on the comic book “The Walking Dead”. This show is expected to be a big hit. Also a zombie series called “Code Z” is in the making. I believe zombies maybe the next big supernatural obession.
Networking in Music Before Y2K
The answer is networking.
Not the type of networking you and I are used to. It took a whole different meaning before the Information Age. Their start in 1990 would only be the beginning of 20 straight summers of touring, their first summer off from touring is coming next year. They did something unique though, something that isn't heard of very often. They let fans audio record their live performances with the hopes that the music would get out there. A college student fan base was quickly established and is likely the cause of their great success. I'm sure it was a gamble because the goal was to have listeners only trade audio tapes, not sell them for a profit which would defeat the purpose of this networking idea. The band has lately been penalizing individuals for copying and selling their music for profit on a major scale. Apparently it worked, probably better than expected. Their fan base has grown each year mostly because of word of mouth. I never saw them on MTV when I used to watch music videos as a teenager; I only became a fan because of my sister, who became a fan because of my brother, who became a fan because of my older brother, who listened to them while attending college in Massachusetts. Their method of networking is never seen, in fact it's quite the opposite from the way today's hottest artists like Lady GaGa and Ke$sha have been made successful. I guess you could say they did it the hard way since music is much easier to get out there now because of mp3 files and MySpace. Copies of their live music is in such high demand that they recorded 16 performances since 1993 and made them into individual albums, the latest one being 2010 from Citi Field in Queens. For a band whose live performances I'd only describe as 'epic', I find it amazing that their success was based on a relatively primitive form of networking, compared to today's standards. To my knowledge, this is the only case where a musical artist has risen to fame in such a fashion.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
4 The Love of the Game
It doesn’t surprise me that this is happening because of what fantasy leagues provide. Fantasy leagues are provided on all different websites weather it be ESPN, CBS, and Yahoo. Fantasy leagues provide customers with a few things such as keeping in touch with friends, getting you more interested in other sports and the most important gambling. There are leagues for all sports weather it be NFL, MLB, and NBA and though there are a lot of people that do these leagues for fun, there is also a majority of them that gamble or wager on them. Today most sports fanatics get a group of there buddies together and each throw a wager down on there fantasy teams, the wager can be small something like 10 dollars or up to 200 dollars. So now your fantasy team becomes even more important because you have money invested in it. I feel like fantasy leagues are becoming more popular because its making you part of something that’s bigger than you and people like to feel like rush of not knowing what’s going to happen next. Fantasy leagues make you feel like that by investing your time and money into these athletes to perform well and if they do they came sometimes make you a nice load of cash. Gambling has always been a part of sports no matter how you look at it, but now more than ever sports gambling is very popular here in the U.S and overseas and you see these sites being promoted on TV and having sponsored links on the internet. Sites such as Bodog, Sportsbook and etc are everywhere being promoted so what makes you think they wouldn’t spread. Just look at horse racing at different race tracks all over the world, some people live off wagering on horses on the daily and that’s what major sports are turning into. People are not starting to care weather the Jets or Giants won, no they want to know how this guy did or how many points they won or lost by because I had money on the spread.
I think that as technology continues to expand sports culture in general might expand but for the wrong reasons. It won’t be expanding over its product or for pride and ambition but for the simple fact of things such as fantasy leagues and sports gambling. Look at all the news electronic products coming out in today’s society like the I phone and Blackberry most of them today you can now download an app or sign up/download programs that will give up to sec information about sports or more specifically how your fantasy team is doing. With the creation of these fantasy apps and such things as ESPN Mobile, Yahoo Alert and other programs being constantly promoted on the internet on a major TV stations I think the issue will just continue to worsen. With all this said I will be the 1st to say that I have become a victim of this because most of the time the 1st thing I check when I sign onto my comp is my fantasy teams. Not just for the sake of seeing if anything new is happening or if there is any major news, but to see if my friends I am in the league posted anything, I love it because it’s something me and all my friends have in common and something we can all come together for while where all away at school.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Revival of Vinyl?
As you all know, CDs are dying out and music is going digital. It's crazy how the world of music is changing. Everything is on the internet. People rarely buy CDs these days. You never see cassette tapes anymore. Vinyl has been dead for the longest time…or so you thought. It actually turns out that vinyl is rising from the dead. In 2009, I went to Looney Tunes, a record store located in West Babylon, just to look around. I happened to find an LP of Taking Back Sunday’s latest album, New Again. I thought it was so cool and so rare and I had to have it. Even if I couldn’t play it, it would still be cool to own. I had never seen that anywhere.
One day during either the spring or summer, I walked into Looney Tunes again. I found something that I never thought I would see… vinyl albums of bands that I love. Then I noticed that Hot Topic started carrying vinyl records too and Urban Outfitters recently started doing the same. Now, it’s not uncommon to see vinyl albums from today’s bands/artists.
So, who would buy these vinyl records when there are CDs and MP3s? Well, it turns out that a lot of people actually prefer vinyl over CDs and MP3s. Most prefer the sound quality and others just like to have the physical copy. The music trends keep changing, but for now, vinyl continues to live on.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Google is at it again!
Just by reading the title above you, you already feel like you know what just happened. Yes, Google is launching their first Television. The Sony Internet TV, which is a combination of Sony and Google, will provide TV viewers the experience of having the internet and cable TV at the same time. Now, Does this have an affect towards technology?
With this Google TV, people will no longer need to go back and forth from their TV and computer, cell phone, or even video game console, since most of them have internet in them. Google TV has also KILLED competition till further notice because Apple, Logitech, Roku, and Boxee have been wanting to combine with television, but there issue was the Set-top boxes.
Google TV has no Set-top box, it is merely the Television on its own with a built in software that provides the internet.
As for Prices, they're affordable to some. 24-inch ($600), 32-inch ($800), 40-inch ($1,000), and 46-inch ($1,400). They will be available starting this weekend.
Will this be the start of more ideas?
Starting this will only create more and more ideas to the entertainment system universe. It is only a matter of time where something will be better!
Good Luck Google TV Tweet