Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Twitter Meet the Moon Man

I have to admit, I didn’t, and still really don’t, understand the concept of Twitter. When I first heard about it, the entertainment news anchors I was watching were trying to figure out the right terminology about whether people were “twittering” or “tweeting.” We all obviously now know the proper way to explain such things…
My first impression was that this site was just for constant status updates and just another great way for celebrities to market themselves more-so they can make more money-and for their fans to stalk…I mean “follow” them, as well as paparazzi. However, now it seems that Twitter has been taken to a new level via award shows, such as the MTV VMA’s (Video Music Awards).
Last year MTV unveiled a new concept that they were going to track tweets about the award show itself, even during the pre-show for comments on things like artist’s wardrobe selection (Lady Gaga’s meat dress, what the hell was that?). This did spark a great response, especially when Kayne West pulled that douchy stunt of his when Taylor Swift was giving her acceptance speech, but paled in comparison to this year. VMA's Intergrating Twitter
The ‘Kayne incident’ was on everyone’s mind this year as well, because both parties were going to be performing one right after the other that night. Although, I felt that everyone was making too much of a big deal out of it still, because, honestly, I had completely forgotten about it. It did ignite a debate between the Kayne lovers and the Taylor lovers, which was quite interesting to see, because there are so many perspectives on integrity and freedom of speech. But most of the attention went to Lady Gaga and Eminem.
I do think that this is one of the best ways to use Twitter, though, because it’s not like people are just posting random things, like what they’re eating, but giving their opinions on how they feel-even though the topic might be shallow and vain. I know that after Kayne performed I posted the chorus to his song because I thought it was ridiculous! He’s such a tool!
This was really a brilliant idea to bring an award show and social networking together, and MTV is the perfect network to do it with because it brings pop culture right into people’s living rooms. To me this really is an awesome way to start fun banter with total strangers on the Internet. So, I’ll compromise: I will tweet once a year during the VMA’s.

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