Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Friends on Facebook does not equal friends in real life.

Sorry. But it's true. I can't measure the strength of our friendship via a poke or a like. The illusion that Facebook gives off is the fact that you can keep in touch with friends you haven't seen in ages, as well as family members that you have a hard time keeping track with, a way to stay in the loop as it were. But the cold hard fact is that it is nothing more than a front to procrastinate and "talk" to people you full well know you wouldn't talk to at all in the "real world."

But, how did Facebook's mission statement end up this way? Simple. We are a generation of impersonality. There is little to no interaction between anybody anymore. In fact, I bet you that if I walked into average high school classroom today, I could find 10-12 people texting or IM-ing instead of actually TALKING to a person next to them. It's disheartening really.

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