Friday, October 8, 2010

Pregnant at 12?

I manage the front end department at Waldbaums. As you know, in a grocery store, the suggest a sell products are always near the registers. Gum, magazines, candy bars, etc. Every Thursday, the magazine vendor goes to different Waldbaums and displays a number of the new magazines that are out. This week, Kourtney Kardashian, Maci, Caitlin and Amber (from MTV's Teen Mom), and other random celebrities are all on the over of these popular magazines. Everyone has to purchase there groceries so everyone sees these covers as they get on line, and even reads them while waiting.
Just the other day I saw a group of girls around 12 or 13 years old talking to eachother about how much they love Teen Mom and how much they would dream of being on the show. I couldn't help but easedrop on there conversation. What else where they saying? They said how there favorite person on the show is Maci. Maci is a teen mom who moved away from her sons father out of spite and doesnt live near her family anymore. To hear these words comming out of the mouths of children as young as 12 years old boggles my mind and gave me the chills. I personally do not like the show Teen Mom. Call me old fashion but I believe in the old, getting married then having children deal. I don't like watching that show because of the message that it portrays to kids and teens around the world. Yes they have warning messages throughout the seasons on how to deal with pregnancy, but who really pays attention? Thats like reading the fine print on the bottom of a coupon that no one pays attention to. I believe that parents need to speak to there children and be more open with them about the topic of sex. I think that MTV should not be showing that material because who knows how old there viewers can be.

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