Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Internet: The New Place for Drug Deals

Don't be misled by the title. No one is reporting that the internet is a one stop shop for all drugs. I doubt any drug dealer would be ballsy enough to publicly admit that unless they were looking to get busted. Rather, think of this as something a little more simpler: Domain Names. There has recently been a dramatic boost in the last couple of years in domain names being registered in order to profit off of one drug in particular.

Yea, that's right. Marijuana. One of the hot topics in politics right now. Particularly in California, where in the next week or so, citizens will vote one way or the other on Prop 19. Ooo my bad, did I accidentally place my opinion on the table. Whoops! Anyways, if Prop 19 were to pass, domain names will be need to sell the product online. Afterall, in this day and age, who actually goes to the store anymore if you can buy something online and have it by tomorrow. We're lazy. Plus gas is too high to be wasting it. We can put that money elsewhere... like buying pot. And that's the point. People will be able to buy weed, bongs, treats, and etc. online if Prop 19 passes. Which in turn means people like Kevin Faler will cash in on something he made many people cash out on.

Faler is a former narcotics officer. Long story short, he has over 1,000 registered domain names all dealing with marijuana. He's not the only one either. There are plenty of people trying to make a quick buck by purchasing domain names with the intent to resell them for a far greater amount of money. Some of the domain names include, "", ", and a whole list of funny and ridiculous names.

In the end, Faler and others believe that selling internet real estate will offer enough money for them to retire, pass money down to their kids, and even buy condos.

Even cops are accepting of Prop 19. No shock since one of them could make a killing, the legal kind, off of its success.

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