Wednesday, October 20, 2010


There are over 200 channels on iO TV and yet there fails to be a single show that interests me.

As I was flipping through the channels earlier, I passed show after show that all consisted of the same clichéd topics: sex, violence, and plain stupidity. BORING, I thought to myself. The sitcoms are basically the same story every week just taking place in different situations, and the “reality shows,” which aren’t even real, accomplish nothing but a showcase of irrational behavior.

Where are all the thought-provoking shows? Why is everything so mindless and unoriginal? I’ve actually asked a few people these questions and I always get, “It’s what people want to see…it’s what sells.” But why? Why do people care about who hooked up with who, or who lost the most weight this week? It’s all so irrelevant to real life.

The only things that remotely interested me were the movie channels, such as HBO and Starz. But if I wanted to watch a movie, I could just go down to the local movie store (of course not Blockbuster since it closed down a few weeks ago), or download one on Netflix (if I actually had that), and not have to pay a bill once a month. Which then makes me think: Why am I even paying a monthly bill for dozens of TV channels I don’t even watch? I don’t even like TV, except for Prison Break which ended last year. I’d probably be just as happy with an antenna on the roof and channeling free TV like they did in the old days. (There’s even a website that locates the best broadcaster in the area: antennaweb!)

But the bottom line is that TV has gotten way out of hand. How many CSI’s do we need? or Real Housewives or Law & Order? It’s getting a bit redundant. I feel like the media is shoving these shows down our throats because they’re always on! Season after season; repeat after repeat. When is enough, enough?

Maybe I stand alone on this, but out of all the hundreds of channels I pay for, I’d like for there to be one, maybe two, shows that are completely original and (gasp) artistic! But until that awakening happens, I’ll just focus on attaching an antenna to the roof.

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