Thursday, October 14, 2010

Glee attacking Christianity?

The immediate inspiration that made me have to post a second blog today was when my dad forwarded me an email this morning on how the Catholic League President Bill Donahue believes that Glee is a "garbage" show and attacked Christianity several times. The gay character in the show explained that he was atheist and said that the church didn't think highly of gay people, women, or science. The truth is that the majority of them do not think highly of the said things. It is known throughout our nation and our history. I do not have a problem coming out saying that I am in fact a Roman-Catholic and attend mass every Sunday morning, but me or my church do not have any grudges against women, gays, or science. My best friend attends church with me when she is home from school and is an open lesbian, she is treated with acceptance and respect. However she cannot say she is treated the same loving way in many other places and has experienced mistreatment in a church by her college.

The episode of Glee was about how a character Finn created a "Grilled Cheesus" and would pray to it and most of his prayers were heard and then when one was not he sang about "Losing his Religion". The character Kurt's father had a heart attack and was clinging to life and when his friends from Glee gave their prayers and invited him to church he declined because he did not believe in God. The members respected that but prayed for his father and provided their help anyway. Sue Sylvester (the mean cheerleading coach out to destroy Glee club) was supporting Kurt's decision and when asked why she said that her older sister who has Down's Syndrome was ruthlessly tortured as a child and said that God ignored her prayers.

In my opinion Glee glorified Christian, Jewish, and Islamic beliefs and those who belong to those faiths. They showed how those that belonged to the said religions stayed true to their faiths and although Kurt attacked every religion, they held all of their prayers in Kurt's father's hospital room while he lay unconscious and supported Kurt anyway. Sue Sylvester visited her older sister in the care center which she lived and Sue's sister told her that she believed in God because God made her special, he did not disappoint her.

Why is that when the Christian religion is attacked in the media that was provided for entertainment of comedy, they believe it is personal and evil? If the "Grilled Cheesus" episode was "attacking" Christianity, then every other episode attacks homosexuality, sports, Hollywood, different races, and everything else in the world. But whenever other religions, races, or sexual orientations are nothing becomes of it? I believe it is because most have an understanding that the "offensive remarks" are not meant to be offensive, it's the media's way of trying to make these things socially acceptable, and most are thankful for that.

1 comment:

  1. Even if Glee was attacking Christianity, isn't it fair game? How long has religion in general belittled the gay community by stating that they are not welcome in the house of God or into God's arms because of the lifestyle they live? Good for Glee if they were making a political statement.
