Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Electronic Magazines are Taking Over!

Soon there are going to be no more magazines!
I know it’s an intense statement but it’s the truth some magazines are actually loosing money printing today. With the I-Pad you can actually look the magazine electronically as well as apps on Blackberry’s and other smart devices. Magazines that have gone with the curve and who have there own online form of the magazine make a huge prophet off of the apps.

My mother Maura Curry works for Men’s Health magazine which is one of the biggest magazine companies in the industry and when I talked to her about the dying printed magazine she told me that she and her colleges are on facebook and twitter to promote Men’s Health as well at the application that they have on the I-Pad and Blackberry apps that the customer can personalize what they specifically want to get out of the magazine when I asked her where she sees Men’s health going in the future she stated “ I believe in five to ten years 50% of the circulation will be digital”. She also said that now due to the magazine being an app it opens it up to more of the younger population through the I-Pad ect…
The app for means health is $ 4.99 same price of the magazine but the appealing thing is that it is still a page to page magazine but there is also added video content which is very useful to a consumer.
As you can see from the video the app also allows you to track your workout routine, vote and see results on pages. My only problem is that if all magazines go digital than what’s there for us on a flight when all electronics are supposed to be turned off and what happens when your I-Pad brakes or your phone dies you have no way of making sure the app doesn’t get deleted I just personally think there should always be printed magazines.

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