Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is Learning About the History of Our World More Important Than Focusing on its Future?

For years schools have began a child's education with several main subjects of focus. Most commonly they have included history, math, English, science, art and music. Don't get me wrong I think that having some knowledge of all of these things is important, however, to what extent should it be taken to? It is definitely important to allow children to experience and learn about all of these things so that we will continue to have careers of scientists, historians, artists, musicians etc. in the future. All of these things will be necessary in continuing to help our world to develop. However, I think that after a certain grade we should be able to choose for ourselves what classes we would like to continue taking and what subjects we would like to continue learning about. The only subject that is an essential part to life and communicating in the world is English; we all need to learn how to properly read and write no matter what we would like to become in the future. But, once we have the basic knowledge of other subjects, why is it necessary to continue learning about something that does not appeal to us as individuals?

I am currently on my third year of college and am a business major, yet I am only taking two business classes this semester. I can't help but ask myself; when will I need to know about modern political thought, drama history or natural science when entering the business world? Maybe it's just me but at this point in my education, it just seems like it is a waste of my time as well as money. Both our world and society today clearly have a technological focus that is continuously developing and at a fairly rapid pace. It seems that it may make more sense for our education to be including ways to continue developing our already advanced society rather than looking down upon it. Our generation today is perceived to be self indulged and maybe too technological for our own good. But, when growing up with cell phones, computers and other commonly used technological devices from such a young age how can we not be somewhat dependent on these items? The fact is that times have changed over the years and the focus has shifted.

Instead of focusing on the past and what has been, maybe we should be focusing more on our future and the possible developments that we could be making. Some schools have already taken the step in including laptops in their learning environment and I think that this is a step in the right direction. Laptops as well as cell phones have now become part of our daily lives. By including these in our education it may make the development of different things easier and probably somewhat faster as well. Overall, it doesn't seem like a bad idea for our education system to begin to somewhat change with our society. Computers, cell phones, etc. are not all bad as some older generations may think. They have lead us to many important discoveries and advancements. By including these in the education system we are allowing children to explore different aspects of them which ultimately could lead us to new discoveries. Technology whether we like it or not will continue to hold importance in our futures and it should be something that we embrace.

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