Monday, October 4, 2010

Opening Pandora's Box

For years people have been listening to AM and FM radio as their main source of music. Music has always been a fun way to uplift someone’s spirits. But everyone that has every been on a long road trip would agree, the main problem is repetition of songs. People began to ask themselves if only there was a way where people could listen to a general play list, that wouldn't replay the same songs and keep people listening. That’s when Pandora was introduced. With Pandora listeners are able to pick an artist and the AI would automatically play songs that relate to the artist and their style of music, which poses a major threat to FM radio.

Internet radio is slowly monopolizing, pushing competitors to the side and forcing them to do things a little different. Will people stop listening to the radio and instead go on laptops and other accessories for their music. Now they even have apps which allow people to listen to their specialized play lists anywhere at their leisure. If for years radio has been on top and gets pushed to the side by the competition, this leaves us to think. WHAT’S NEXT???????????????

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, Dwayne... but what do you think is next? If there truly is a music genome, as Pandora claims there is... then other sites will soon pick it up, won't they? Consider Apple's iTunes' "genius," where a playlist is assembled based on your interest in music. Will other items be moving in this direction? I wonder what you think about this.
