Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Working from home, good or bad?

Ive noticed lately that there are a lot of job listings looking for people with a background in web design, excel, e-mail etc., all things computer related. Most job listings have little need for personal experience in communication and/or public speaking, basic people skills. These jobs are being made accessible from ones home(or anywhere for that matter), with no specific hours or expectations. This may seem like a dream job to most people, but is it really? Or is this just encouraging our lazy society to be even more lazy? Imagine having a job that didnt require you to go anywhere, wake up at any specific time or report to anyone. This could potentially be one of the best jobs in the world, or the worst. Depending on the person of course this job could be great. This type of job could give you more time with your kids, or more time to workout and get back into shape, maybe more time to get all your school work done so you could study more and potentially do better in school. On the other hand, this new job could be the reason why your eating, sleeping, and exercising schedule is totally thrown out of whack. I did some research on the topic and stumbled upon several evaluations of what working at home would be like for the average person, and this is what i found. 5 downsides of working at home; You're always home, you're always at work, your often times alone, self-control becomes an issue, While you're home can you...? I couldn't find a top 5 upsides of working at home but i did find that it is the most beneficial to disabled people, stay at home mom's or mothers who are out of work temporarily, home bodies, and people who have been working with in the same company for a long time and find it difficult to commute 5 days a week. Everyone has their own opinion on whether or not the recent trend of working from home is an overall good thing or bad. what is your opinion?

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