Wednesday, October 20, 2010


A long time ago, I realized that people stopped listening to the music, and eventually started looking at it.

So what does MTV stand for now? Because it damn sure ain't "Music Television." You know, I did a little research and found out that MTV's very first music video was "Video Killed the Radio Star," almost 30 years later that statement can't be more than true.As I alluded to in my previous post, (here) pop music has been in a steady decline, due to unoriginality. However, sadly, what was once heralded as original at it's peak is what inspires unoriginality.

Thanks to 30 years of this, music has stopped being about whoever has the best musical innovation, and more about the look. Who has the best video, appearance and the resulting "name factor" after all is said and done. Thus we wind up with music that has little to no detail, and overuse of the same topics, making what was once exciting bland and cookie cutter.

And MTV realized this. So they began to faze out the music with catchy teen game shows and and reality TV (which is another topic of mine altogether, just you wait and see.) But with that, music was all but eternally filed away, used as a prop to sell other things in the MTV backdrop. In fact, what proves this the most is the fact that MTV has 1 music video block, and that alone is on at 6am to 8am. A timeslot which arguably, most of viewership does not care for.

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